Information Education & Communication


The State is a medium prevalence state with concentrative type of HIV epidemic. Providing Information Education and Communication (IEC) to the masses, mainstreaming and Behavior Change Communication (BCC), to the vulnerable population are the key approaches in the state. For creating awareness about prevention and control of HIV/AIDS through various IEC activities are organized in Himachal Pradesh viz. displaying messages in Mass Media/Mid Media, printing and distribution of brochures, flip-charts, posters etc.

Mainstreaming and Youth.

No man is an island, the old line goes. In the public arena, there is an analogue: no cause, no mission can exist in isolation. Without its acceptance by society, without a variety of institutional and individual stakeholders taking ownership of it, no health issue can be truly challenged or mainstreamed. The Indian experience of HIV/AIDS is telling in this respect. Substantial progress has been made in prizing open the silent spaces, encouraging conversation about the virus and its implications. Yet, to understand mainstreaming one has to be clear of what it entails.